Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tuesday Shoesday

Earlier on Instagram I had a list of my top 5 Over the Knee boots choices!

These links are currently on my instastories and listed below as well!
Asos pair-(left corner) Dark brown pair(really good deal under $30) Bottom Left pair are from Steve Madden And the Splurge worthy pair are from Stuart Weisman and I have found several dupes to this style and will be posting about those on a separate post
Several are priced really well and I currently wear the Target shiny black pair( that are currently sold out) almost twice a week as I love the style and convenience of the over the knee!

Sometimes it reminds me of a classy and trendy version of Pretty Woman's boots! Probably shouldn't say that but its a classic and I love that movie lol
But so excited for the week and year ahead as I feel like the day is buzzing with excitement as we all embark on the new year!
I will be sharing some of my Resolutions this week so stay tuned!! 

Peace & Love to you and yours!

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