Thursday, January 11, 2018


Today on the blog I am going over my workout from today! I actually did something different and decided to do a  deep stretch yoga workout as a way to stretch out my limbs!  I personally have practiced yoga for the past 5 years and I love it!  I started it during college and it has made a world of difference in my life.

But let me warn you that this is not an easy practice and you better stretch and be mentally prepared for yourself to experience a slow burn and slow buildup to a good workout. It's not necessarily a lot of cardio like with my runs but it is a buildup of your flexibility.  Besides the positive physical aspects of yoga there is substantially positive mental characteristics as well!

Stephen Richards says that if you can control your mind then you can change your life. To control your mind control your breath. 

This alone shows how important your breathing can be to your overall #success. It's enlightening to think that your breathing can have so much importance. 

For me personally this week has been tough as I have had several growing pains this week that has caused me to become overwhelmed and not able to be as present as I would like to be.

But today's yoga session reminded me of the importance of being in the moment & also gave me the clarity and peace that I needed. If you haven't tried yoga before I highly recommend it and listed below I have a listing of 3 beginner yoga videos you can try!  

Deep Stretch Yoga:

Early Morning Yoga:

Yoga for Stress Relief:

I like Adriene's videos because she explains everything really well and her pup is adorable!   🐶 Ellie my little pup is not as tame as her pup is. Ellie always interrupts me and sits on the mat when I'm mid-pose lol😂😂

* Bonus Yoga Music if you want to create your own routine *

But Remember when you can control your mind you can change your life. In order to change your mind you have to control your breathe!

Til next time

Love & Peace,

Karen Beatty 💕💕

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