Wednesday, July 29, 2020

#National Lipstick Day

#National Lipstick Day
National Lipstick Day Hey yall today is officially National Lipstick Day and I am sharing my three favorite lipsticks right now!! I personally have always been a sucker for lip balms and not necessarily lipsticks but I wanted to share my favorite lipsticks today. Current Fav Lipsticks 1.Ultra Last-Ins…

Thursday, July 2, 2020

New Month Who diss

New Month Who diss
#July1st Anyone else feel excited about the start of a new month? For some reason energetically this month has felt more normal than the others and I feel like I am back in the groove of my life! Excitement-filled days full of ambitious vibes is my go-to vibe any day!  It's weird also to think tha…
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