Thursday, January 4, 2018


Today's workout was supa tough!! I literally haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks because of the cold cold cold❄❄ weather and holiday season! But no excuses can explain how hard it was to get back in the groove of things!

So tonight I ran 35 minutes on the treadmill which was interesting to say the least. Since I haven't ran in awhile my feet were tensing up on the first half mile and eventually  they loosened up. Once that happened it got a lot easier.

The second portion was good. I did 175 situps and 75 toe touches in the air to help my core. Which is apart of my new years resolutions. Getting those abs baby!👌 Haha I'm kidding but really though! I have always wanted flat abs consistently. So that's one of my goals! 

Last portion was about 10 minutes on the stairmaster. This was pretty short for me as I needed to get another 500 steps and so that worked perfectly instead of a longer workout.
Overall it was an okay workout have had much better workout before but I gotta start somewhere if l want to accomplish my goal and knockout the half marathon this year!

🎶Top 5 Songs on Playlist Tonight🎶
1. Fancy by Drake & Swiss Beats
2. Downtown by Mackelmore
3. *Run up by Nicki Minaq*- Perfect to start workout and help me get back in the groove and speed up my tempo on the run
4. Work on It by Alicia Keys
5. Morning by Marc E. Bassy

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