Thursday, March 1, 2018

Technology Update

Technology Update for the week

This by far has been the busiest week I have had in awhile and if you missed it, my laptop was broken over the weekend. My macbook of over 5 years that got me through late night assignments in college and was my go to for class notes and Pinterest scavenger hunts when the professor was way too monotone for their own good..... this laptop died a horrible and tragic death due to my foot somehow pushing it to its death..... and shattering the screen and ruining the motherboard....

YES I know I am incredibly dramatic but thats what life does to you when you have to hear and witness the horrible errie death sound of your laptop's incessant beeping to notify you that it has served its time and is ascending into the technology heavens!!  Im kidding but I will posting be updates from the delayed posts this week.

But on to the FANTASTIC NEWS... drumroll please......... I was so incredibly blessed to have my fiancee surprise me with a MacBook Air yesterday!! Seriously I feel so lucky especially since it was his birthday last Saturday and he turns around surprises me! 

So now I will be up and running and I'm currently tweaking the website for new changes as well!Mainly I just wanted to check in with everyone as I have gotten several emails of support during this time without my laptop! I seriously didn't realize how much time I spent on my laptop and think about how important and its integral aspect of my blogging career!

This week has been by far the craziest and I really  was able to realize even more so  how much I love blogging and it is seriously such a passion of mine and I am so grateful to everyone who has followed along on this journey with me! 

Exciting news coming up soon and I will be updating from the past 2 weeks as I have had several great content posts on Instagram that needs to be integrated over to the site as I will be sharing the links to shop my feed as well!!

Til next time,

Peace & Love,
Karen Beatty


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