Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ways to Give Back this🎄🎄Season

Top 5 ways to give back this Christmas Season 🎄🎄🎄🎄
  1. Donate your time at a local soup kitchen or food bank
Here is a directory of local soup kitchens in Texas(

  1. Toys for Tots which allows you to give toys to children. It's an annual drive with the Marine Corps Reserve. Majority of the sponsors are local toy stores.
  1. Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. ( I actually did this one as a teen. It's where you fill up a shoe box and put little trinkets. The boxes are sent overseas and help needy children! Even though it's just a small box it can make a difference.
  2. Salvation Army bell ringers. They are all over the malls and WalMarts this organization helps the homeless and even children one of the best charities! 
  3. Angel Tree with Salvation Army
I personally find this to be the most fulfilling as I actually used to be one of those angels growing up! As my birthday ad Christmas are only 2 days apart I usually didn't receive many presents during the holiday season when my family was hit hardest financially. I was so blessed to be able to be gifted by so many  giving people when I was younger.

These are just my top 5 ways and there are so many ways to give this season. It just takes one person to make a difference in the life of others!

  1. Make cookies 🍪 🍪for your local postman, massage therapist, nail salon technician,  hairstylist, children teacher and professor! People you deal with daily that also may have stressful lives!
  2. Pay for someone's coffee or food behind you! ☕️ 
  3. Babysit for a relative  with children! Give them a night off they will appreciate it! 👶 
  4. Call your parents and tell them how much you love them!💕🙌
  5. Hug a loved one a little longer and tell them you appreciate them!!🙌🙌

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