Thursday, December 21, 2017

Showstoppers 🔥🔥🔥

Leopard Showstopper Statement Pieces🔥🔥🔥

Leopard is one on my favorite prints! I feel like nowadays it can be paired as if it is it's own color scheme.  I always pair the leopards print with neutrals, creams, brown and black. As the print alone is classy as well.
As most of the pieces are showstoppers there is an importance on making sure they pop! In order to havr that affect I recommend pairing with more muted or black tones so that all of the print pops 💥 and it's the center of your wardrobe!

For example a Little Black dress and then hot leopard booties is placing emphasis on the boots! Even doing an all black ensemble with a leopard scarf or leopard jacket makes a great classy statement as well!
Linked below I have several of my fav Showstoppers🔥🔥🔥
Let me know below if you have any other tips to show off leopard print!

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