Monday, March 15, 2021



Mindful Mondays


Officially New Series I will be doing! I realize that I don't share my spiritual practice on my blog as much I used to and it is a missing piece of the blog! So I'm going to start a new series about being mindful and share some of my key takeaways of late!

Today's yoga session in my hometown @balancestudiowf by Carson was so perfect it was almost a spiritual experience! The Mindful Flow today helped me get out of my head and return to the present in the here and now! When I find myself feeling anxious or nervous it's because I'm not focused on the present! Taking a second to enjoy the present and expressing gratitude has consistently helped me return to my center and stay grounded!

🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏾‍♀️ Definitely was the best way to start my week!🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏾‍♀️

I know that I personally have been diving so much deeper in my spiritual practice as of late and I realized that was missing was the human connections with other like minded people! So today's yoga session was a step outside of my comfort zone as I realize I do need to connect with others, covid or no covid human connection is muy importante!
And I feel like my cup has definitely been refilled as that one hour session was definitely perfection!
I realize in the afterglow of this yoga session that there is a need to deepen  my yoga practice as it flows well in my meditation practice! Haha who would have thought!
I'm so glad I followed my intuition today and room the class!

Hope everyone has a fantastic week and atay tuned for next weeks Mindful Monday as this series is so exciting and is definitely representative of my daily habits and current lifestyle!
***Also if you're here for the fashion don't worry that's not going anywhere 😂😂. It just feels like the best time to expand upon other interests in my life so I can authentically and genuinely show up!!


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