Monday, March 22, 2021

#EARLY Mindful Mondays


Y'all today has been a day..... mainly a long productive day! Many millionaires and successful businesswomen and men like Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, & The Rock just to name a few have praised waking up very early in the morning.

I have always wanted to start an early like birds chirping and before sunrise type of morning routine and today was that day. 

Y'all this morning I woke up at 4am and have been up ever since... sans my mid-day nap. This nap felt like it welcomed me to ACT II of my day. The crazy thing is I am NOT, in any form a morning person. So this for me feels like I should be awarded a trophy with the amount of productivity I have accomplished.

The main 3 Things  I have learned today is

1. Underestimated my Productivity

I definitely underestimated the number of things that I could accomplish in a day. By noon I had already knocked off almost everything on my to-do list and I was just in utter disbelief. I managed to take a nap and still have ANOTHER part of the day left.  

2. Daily Habits Are Important

I realized that my daily health habits ( ie. water intake and actually eating healthy meals played a major part in my success. As the more energy, I have the higher my morale and the more productive I am. I for some reason was sooo hungry. By 7am I actually was eating steak for breakfast ðŸ˜…😅. Truly I definitely ate several more meals than I usually do as I needed more fuel in my tank. Next time I do a long day like this I HAVE to meal prep as when my stomach is yearning for snacks it's really important that I grab healthy options. That way I will feel less hangry.

3.Mindset is Key & So is Intention.   

The last thing and most important lesson I learned was that my mindset played an integral part of my day. There were moments where I felt like I should be tired but really it was 11 am and the day was so bright and full of opportunities. The ability to keep going and staying focused on knocking out other things on my list and not feeling tired and succumbing to my "perceived thoughts that I should be tired."

Overall this day truly taught me some key lessons.  In order to live the life of my dreams, I have to step it up and walk the talk! 
Thanks for reading along and 
til next time,


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