Thursday, January 30, 2020


Current Fav #HighLow Statement Pieces

Hey yall today on the blog I am sharing some of my favorite statement-making pieces.
As this is the January edition its mainly focused on winter wear. Several of the pieces can be transitioned into fall like the one above but definetly they are pieces that are trendy will most likely still be sooo hottt in 2020!!


Yall, the jacket above has seriously been my go-to for the past two months! I am sooo obsessed with the color! This jacket is from Charlotte Russe and I actually got it from a local consignment shop on top of that! As you can see from above I just pair it with an all-black outfit and boom I'm dressed up!
For more of my favorites: 


Yall headbands are perfect if you are having a bad hair day or just want to add a little pop to your outfit! I use them when my hair is not looking as fresh as it should be! this is a great tip if your braids or weave needs a refresh! Headbands will help you buy a couple of days! 

To shop some of my favs:


Need I say more! Handbags can take any outfit from blah to YASSS honey!
To shop the Lipstick purse click here! SPLURGE-WORTHY!!
Regarding my personal style I have a range of low end purses like an

 essential brown bucket bag pictured here to my classic Louie!

I highly recommend you invest in a signature luxury handbag!
The thing is that no one tells you is that you could purchase a luxury handbag (pre-owned aka pre-loved) or you could even rent it! Yall Im so serious! I am dedicated a full #blogpost about purchasing luxury handbags so stay tuned!
For some of my favs:


Sneakers are perfect to dress down a outfit and also as a mood booster to kick butt in the gym!

these are some of current favs!!
All of these range in price from under $100 to upwards of $600
 Sneaks Favs: 


Missguided & Asos has several oversized blazers that are under $100 and can help you still get that fab look!
Also, I highly recommend you visit your local thrift store and check out the men's blazers as you are more likely to find a bigger jacket with a crazy sexy cool vibe!
Currently fav blazers:

Thank yall for the checking out some of my favorite statement-making pieces! The best thing about high/low fashion is that you don't have to splurge on the statement-making pieces but if you know how to style it, it will look like you splurged.
til next time
Peace & Love, 
Karen Beatty-Martinez


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