Monday, April 1, 2019

New Month Who Dis

April Musings

Hey yall! Today marks the end of the first quarter of the new year! Its so crazy how much time flies! For this year my word is GROWTH! I personally felt called to hold that word up for the year and to just embrace the journey ahead. And please let me tell you that I have grown so much this year in more ways than I thought possible! I believe gratitude is the best medicine and I have to look back on the past 3 months Q1 (as I'll call it) and just have so much gratitude for the opportunities and the challenges that make me count my blessings daily.

Travel can change you EXPONENTIALLY!

PARIS was at the top of my bucket list since I was a little girl in History Class learning about the Eiffel Tower! I seriously can not believe I traveled across the ocean to Europe and got to experience Paris and Italy! I  plan on completing the post this month! It has taken longer than expected as it has so many little details and nuances that just make it so special!


this one was sooooo KEY! My little family of me and my hubby and my dogkiddos were shaken up by an unexpected health scare of a close family member that is difficult to explain unless you have experienced it! The ability to hold family members hand and hug them a little longer will never ever be taken for granted for me and mines! And we seriously are so blessed that the recovery has gone well and they went to the ER when they did! Divine Protection and blessings and prayer are so powerful!

Unexpected Challenges are actually blessings!

This one lesson on its own was something that I had to continually hold onto as there was lots of ups and downs for the past couple of months! Just holding on and letting life's journey take its own pace and trusting in the universe(God, source, the Divine) to take care of you is muy importante!! I personally just feel so blessed to have life turn out the way it has! The unexpected surprises that life throws at you can be bittersweet but they are all in Divine Timing! of this I am sure! 

Okay, enough of all of the nostalgia and etc let's look forward into Q2!


This season for me I feel like is focused on adjustments and flexibility and expansion! It's hard to explain it but in order for me to grow, I feel like there is a need for me to take steps, strides and even RUN outside of my comfort zone! The only thing that is constant is CHANGE.... of this I am sure! 
So for me, as I look into the next few months and even the year ahead I want to be able to shift intentionally with ease and flexibility and to confidently take those strides towards success with ease and success! This is my mantra yall!! I need to post this on a post-it note lol!
So in order to stay on track for the month ahead, I have set up some new goals to keep me on track with reaching my BIG goals!
Okay, so this post alone is showing that I am stepping outside of my comfort zone as I usually keep these close to my heart but I feel called to post it for the month of April for yall! I can't promise I'll post for May but I will be posting for April....( hahaha baby steps yall) so lets get going!

#1 Health is Key

For this month I want to be able to hit 2 goals in my Health
-Actively workout at least 3-4 times a week and be able to run 10 minutes minimum without stopping! This one is key as I have a major announcement of a COLLAB this week for the BIG goal and partnership I am so excited about and was on my VISION BOARD! ..... but that is for another post as I can't spill the beans too early! 


This is a MASSIVE GOAL for the month! Okay this one is sooooo exciting as I have wanted to do a-ever-so -chic lookbook for the past few years and I am so pumped to do it for 2019! I love fashion and it was one of the main reasons why I started the blog!  So this goal and milestone is a big deal for me as I know it will be done and I am affirming it as this is another major key of success for the year ahead! So yall stay tuned for the looks that will be served this spring season.....okuurrr!
Ellie is the best yoga buddie!


okay so as I wrote out this word I actually surprised myself with this one but I know it is so important! So on Sunday, as I was doing my mastermind session I realized that this month ahead will be soooooo busy and productive!!! That is not a bad thing but it does mean I have to stay balanced and make sure I schedule some me-time so that I don't burn out! As I am naturally an introverted person  (I am INFJ for any of the Meyers-Briggs people) I can burn-out much quicker with all of the extraversion needed for work. So I have to make it a priority.......NO EXCEPTIONS.... whatsoever!

Okay yall, this is 3 of my top priorities for the month ahead! This is so new for me this type of post let me know in the comments below what you think of it and if I should do it again!

(I feel like I might... there is so much accountability in typing this post!!)

til next time,

Peace & Love,
Karen Beatty-Martinez💕💕


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