Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Reflecting on July

👠Tuesday Shoesday& Tuesday Thoughts 👠 

Picked up these gorgeous blooms💐💐 from my local market street and couldn't help but #reflectonlife For a REAL talk on my past month!!

As I was picking up these blooms I couldn't help but think about the saying, Be patient with yourself as nothing in nature blooms all year long! This to me hits home as I reflect on this crazy ass month! This was one of the most trying months I've had in a while and I realized mid-way through that I HAD to rest! Nothing in nature blooms all YEAR long so why am I expecting myself too!! This standard that we set for ourselves as women  to be able to keep everything going that's expected of us come rain or snow is not a realistic goal and not ever going to be attainable as it is impossible to achieve this idea of perfection. I realize that once you go through a traumatic experience you realize all of the blessings of daily life and WHO the key people are in your life that love you for you!!  I feel soo appreciative of all of my family and my fiance Michael for being there for me this past month and always being there for me.

All in all amazing strides and a  traumatic event later has  helped me to see the brightness in every single day 🌞🌞 which is ironic considering the namesake of my  blog is Brightly Soo.. 

*The name of my blog is Brightly Soo which is the idea to brighten your day wsuth daily does of fashion style fitness and motivation!*

I say ALL of this all to say that I urge everyone to actively and intentionally practice self care DAILY!!💕💕💕
If that's taking a walk in nature or even doing a salt or bubble bath to relax after a long day!! Do IT!! Life is so short and you gotta appreciate every single day!!

Hope everyone has a blessed day... And yall I am sooooo ready for the new month ahead!!
I have already stated game planning and goal setting for the last 5 months of the year and I am so excited to share some of the new updates with y'all!! 
Also I have not forgotten about the LA youtube video that will be posting soon!!

Til next time,

Peace & Love,
Karen Beatty💕💕


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