Friday, April 29, 2022


This month has had such a heavy emphasis on rest for me! This time last year I was resting as I had an unexpected emergency appendectomy on April 1st! It was not an April Fools joke but it totally transformed my life and my perspective on my health and rest!! 
I have a very passionate personality and I go in 1000% when I'm working on my projects and the pause forced upon me last year really helped me see that balance and rest are something that I have to incorporate into my routine in order to fully function at 1000%.
The past couple of weeks it has been very important for me to fully rest as last month I hit a career milestone of achieving a Million Dollar Month in Real Estate🏡 in March! 

As I was preparing for another milestone this month I was reminded in my body and soul to rest again. 

Pause on rushing any plans. 

Reflect on my journey thus far. 

Refuel my body and my mind and my soul with the nourishing self-care practices that fill me back up.

Recenter my thoughts and mindset for the future ahead!

Realign with my higher purpose and spiritual calling. Realign with my personal, spiritual, career, physical, and educational goals.

The month as a whole has been sooo nourishing on so many levels.

I encourage everyone to intentionally hold space for themselves and others when we all go through the different seasons of our lives. Healing and fully resting when our bodies need it is one of the highest forms of self-care ✨ 

"Be patient with yourself as nothing in nature blooms all year long." 🌺 

Allowing yourself to really rest allows you to enter each new season with more tenacity and purpose than the season before.

I'm feeling so good now that I have fully rested and healed my mind, body and soul!

I'm excited because my creative juices are flowing and I'm truly excited to walk in my purpose with even more intentionality.
Stay tuned for more genuine content and thank you for reading this far and sharing in my journey!


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