Tuesday, August 31, 2021

#TuesdayThoughts Rolled Ankle 😔🙄

#TuesdayThoughts August Edition

What a week! I had another planned post for today but I wanted to keep my feed real and genuine and have it truly reflect my life. 

Soooooo last week was a total shell shock as my clumsy self went and rolled my ankle. 

And yes I did have these amazing killer heels on BUT that doesn't mean I deserved that fall 😂 

😫 I truly didn't know that an ankle sprain could hurt so bad and it was a BIG test of my mental strength and toughness. And I can graciously say I have definitely developed a tougher mindset this year because it was extremely tough to not be able to walk around let alone do my job this past week. But  I am so grateful for the amazing epiphany I experienced as an entrepreneur as there truly was no other way I could have learned this lesson. Grateful that today was a semi-normal day and I was able to do a house 🏡 tour and am grateful that I have my health. I Truly have a new perspective on the little things in life and can say I am grateful to be able to walk even if I look like a stumbling giraffe 🦒.

"Every setback is a setup for a comeback"


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