Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Season of Waiting

Season of Waiting

Hey, y'all I was thinking about what I wanted to chat about this week I couldn't help but think about my current restless state. I feel like I have currently been in this interesting and contradictive state of waiting. 
Waiting for the election. 
Waiting for my goals to be achieved. 
Waiting for my weight loss goal to be achieved.
Waiting to be pregnant
Waiting to be able to travel to my heart's content
Waiting to be 
Waiting for the vaccine... 

I feel like everyone goes through different seasons in their lives all of course in divine timing. 

BUT it doesn't make the seasons go by any faster even as you navigate it lol

Soooooo what to do.

I've decided to actively take action towards my goals while I'm waiting.
(What small step can I take today that gets me closer to the overall MAJOR goal in my life?)

While I'm waiting I find taking little actionable steps towards other goals helps me see that although I can't change major things like election, covid, travel, etc but I can completely keep my home space, and internal mental space clear and focused!

For example, I and Michael are currently in the season of trying to conceive and this season has been unlike any other I have ever experienced! I'll be doing a full blog post on it when I'm feeling up for it as it's a vulnerable topic for me. But actionable steps I can take is to educate myself about fertility, taking supplements, etc. 

Another example is the election is a little over 3 weeks away and the suspense is killing me but the best actionable step I can take is to encourage others to vote and staying educated on all of the candidates. So that if worst-case scenario the other candidates that I don't vote for are elected then I can understand their goals and how that will ultimately affect me and my well-being. 

This is key, no longer is the outcome in their hand but my own what can I actively do to safeguard my well-being and goals.

This has seriously been my main lesson the past couple of months as it's so necessary to stay mentally focused and encouraged especially when as a collective we are ALL encountering things we have no control over!

As a perfectionist, this lesson was so tough. No matter if I execute a task perfectly if outside forces are working against me I can't let it discourage me! I gotta just keep going and ACT! JUMP! Do IT!

Also, the second lesson I have found is during the waiting times is to fully lean into the emotional space and acknowledgment of me waiting for something. By not using distractions but to actually acknowledge that I'm nervously awaiting an outcome. This allows me to shift my energy and perspective into my favor by just feeling it!

Thirdly, be sure to talk to someone you're close with to bounce ideas off during the waiting time! They could have other creative ideas to help you past the time in a constructive manner! Better to be waiting with others than all alone. I feel like there is some comfort in knowing you're not experiencing certain feelings alone.

Thank yall for reading his far!
Feel free to comment below any tips that yall have while you're in a season of waiting.or just to say hello.

til next time,
Peace & Love,


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