Wednesday, December 19, 2018

TIPS && Encouragement for Last Minute Shoppers

Last Minute Shopper's Tips to Help Save Time

Hey Yall this post is for all of my last minute shoppers!! Myself included!! I have not had a chance to even shop as I am working on a last minute project that needs to be completed by Friday!! Haha YASSS I'm a procrastinator but thats the best way to get things done.......Anywho so if there are any last  minute "thrill-seekers" needing some advice for shopping! Grab some popcorn as I have several tips so that your close friends and family have no idea how last  minute you were!!!

1. Make a List! 
This step may seem self explanatory but it is one of the toughest to do when you procrastinate. Write down all of your loved ones and what they need! This is the easiest and most simple but the most important. As this is the roadmap for you!

2. Come to TERMS of what day it is and set your EXPECTATIONS according!!
There is nothing like being in denial about how late in the game you are only to wake up on CHRISTMAS with no gifts!! Or at 7pm on Christmas Eve when you are fully expected to already have wrapped and purchased the gifts for your fam! If its YOU and you're reading this and its too late! Just accept it and MAN UP or WOMAN up and start sending out virtual gift cards!!(*Virtual giftcards are the secret weapon for the last minute shoppers as you can send via email && text the gift amount. The best thing is that they choose theyre perfect gift and you don't spend time trying to choose the best gift! Which brings me to  the next point.

Just in case you are not able to shop in time or you are unexpectantly invited to a Christmas Party. Its better to be overprepared than be underprepared. Have a last minute Starbucks Gift Card in hand! Yall Gift Cards are key!!

4. Expect Delays
Alright now that you have come to terms with the date make sure you take into account shipping and always unexepected delays! My favorite are shipping delays and LONG LINES!  By accepting that you are a late shopper and this will be a consequence and possible effect you are less likely to be upset and will be more cheerful when things may go wrong. In a ideal world you will have 1-2 days cushion! * But you are a procrastinator so me and you both know you are shopping this weekend so you wont have that luxury!

So for me when I am purchasing items very last minute I always ALways, ALWAYS call ahead to confirm availability and inventory. You do not want to be that person trekking 50 miles in the cold on a snowy day to pick up the last little Polly doll to have it outsold seconds before you get there! Don't let that be you! Always call ahead and PLEASE please speak POLITELY to the retail staff when you ask them to put your precious items on hold. When I worked in retail I have seen items mysteriously walk off from rude customers! Don't let that be you! Also make sure you advise when you will be in and put your phone number and name on the item! Lastly remember the associates name( as you will want to mention them if it disappears) and graciously thank them for assisting you with your late shopping adventure!!

Well I hope yall enjoyed this post and please comment below of any crazy last minute shopping stories you may have or ANY tips you think I might have forgotten!

Til next time,
Peace & Love,
Karen Beatty-Martinez


  1. Karen thank you so much for this post. Very helpful ❤️

  2. yeh i definitely agree with calling and confirming again.
    i wished i did this this year holiday shopping so i didn't have to go through the fuss of missing my order.

    thank you for sharing this post sweetie!!

    ins: im.anna.zhang

  3. Great post! I definitely procrastinated this year when it comes to Christmas shopping! xx

  4. Thanks so much for these tips! xoxox


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