Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Blog Update # NewBlogger....Sort of

September has been a pretty busy month for me. I have been getting adjusted to a lot of changes! The big changes I will be announcing soon enough with pictures of course. I am sooo excited to share the news as it is an important life changing update! Will post those deets soon! 
But today I will be recounting my workout details as I ran 3 miles and not at the same place. As I have decided to train for a half marathon by the end of the year and to lose 15 pounds as well, I will be tracking the deets here on the blog as well as including any other healthy habits I have developed to prepare for the race and overall "healthy-ness". As well as including more fashion posts and also extra special posts that expresses my creativity as well!

This blog I have had has evolved over the years and now I would like it to be a more complete representation of who I am as well as who I am striving to be.

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