Friday, October 14, 2016

Ben & Jerry's Call for Equality

The statement that was published by Ben & Jerry's about their view that Black Lives Matter brought tears to my eyes while making me want to jump on the table and rejoice at the same time. I don't know what that exact emotion is but I definitely don't have an issue praising the owners of Ben & Jerry's for standing up and expressing their views. 
I have listed below several quotes that were the most awe-inspiring. This is not the entire message I urge you to check out the full message with the link listed below.

 "We understand that numerous Black Americans and white Americans have profoundly different experiences and outcomes with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. That’s why it’s become clear to us at Ben & Jerry’s that we have a moral obligation to take a stand now for justice and for Black lives."

"And it’s clear, the effects of the criminal justice system are not color blind."

"We want to be clear: we believe that saying Black lives matter is not to say that the lives of those who serve in the law enforcement community don’t. "

Favorite line: 
"We do not place the blame for this on individual officers. Rather, we believe it is due to the systemic racism built into the fabric of our institutions at every level, disadvantaging and discriminating against people of color in ways that go beyond individual intent to discriminate. For this reason, we are not pointing fingers at individuals; we are instead urging us to come together to better our society and institutions so that we may finally fulfill the founding promise of this country: to be a country with dignity and justice for all.

So moved by their message and I hope other corporations come forward and offer their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. As this is a courageous step for them to take and I will definitely show my support by buying more Ben & Jerry's ice cream.. brightly soo..

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