Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Unexpected Conversations

Today has been marked by me being involved in very unexpected conversations. I was able to build a closer rapport with a coworker about common interests. Very unexpected as we hadn't had a conversation more than the casual hi and bye and  this was a great surprise for the day.

The other conversation involved my very personal and deep conversation with my Madre aka my mother. We talked for almost 4 hours and it  was incredibly enriching to my soul. There is no monetary value that can be used to describe what this conversation meant to me.
The older that I get the more that I realize how similar me and her are. Growing up I was a daddy's girl and now that I'm older I appreciate everything  more that my Madre has to offer. So much experience and knowledge and above all her uncanny way of just being real and a strong woman.
Me and my mother's rapport is something I don't take for granted and I am incredibly blessed to have a mother like her. So cheers to you Madre for being so amazing.  And cheers to the unexpected!!


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