Monday, March 2, 2015

You CAN'T wake a person who is PRETENDING to be asleep.

Proverb to live by... Today while I was scrolling through my pins on Pinterest I came across this pin and it stopped me mid-scroll and made me stop and think. This proverb made me stop and re-evaluate my personal relationships. This makes me think about the people in my life and how important they are and no matter how much I care for them I can't do everything for them. If they don't want to hear it or it will not hit home for them until a later date there is nothing I can do about it. I think about all of the great Godly advice I have gotten from my aunts and my madre lately and at fist glance I take it but it doesn't really hit me until a later date AFTER I have made the mistake.
So my advice to you today is to ask yourself if you are the "fake sleeper" to everyone's advice?


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