Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"And underestimate what they can do in their whole lives."

This quote reminds me of tonight as I stay up and write a paper that is due this morning in my 8 am class. The thing is that I also have a Student Ambassador Meeting at 7am!! So I am up now to write the paper. The paper is only 3 pages but the thing is it is self analysis page and I have to actually evaluate my personal leadership skills. And it goes on and on.

My constant procrastination in doing assignments has caused me to always be a nervous wreck the night before an assignment is due and forgoing sleep just to get done an assignment that should have been finished  in the daylight!  After every assignment I always say I will not procrastinate again and yet I always do! I tell myself that under pressure I excel and I DO!!! But how much different would my nights be if I didn't!

"And underestimate what they can do in their whole lives."The last part of the quote I feel like I could write a book on. So many people underestimate the true value of their lives and what they CAN contribute to society. So many people worry that they aren't good enough or cant do something or just don't dream BIG  enough because they don't give themselves a chance to excel they are terrified of failure.

I want to work in the Fashion Industry as a Buyer/Allocator/Planner!! This seem almost impossible and very nerve racking but Im going to stay motivated and do everything I can to achieve this dream!! So I urge everyone to dream BIG and never underestimate what you can do!!


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